Pro Tips
We all have something in our make-up bags that we can rustle up a quick Halloween-worthy look from. Literally, one product is all you need to create an effective impression in minutes. If it’s a black make-up pencil, like our Faceliner 10, great! Or even the last of a red lippy at the bottom of your make-up bag, no problem!Last-Minute Easy Halloween Make-up: Spider and Clown Look

One product make-up tutorial for Halloween: Spider make-up
Faceliner (10) is the perfect product for a quick-fire Halloween hack! Line your top and bottom waterline, then heavily apply across the top lash line and continue out following the natural angle of the eye towards the end of your brow. Using your finger, cotton bud, or a soft brush, smudge the application up and away from your lash line for a dramatic smokey effect. Now line underneath the bottom lash line, joining your application up to the liner at the corner of your eye. Smudge this in the same way as before for a diffused impression.Now for the lips, carefully sharpen your cupid’s bow into points before lining your lip line. Then, warm the tip of the pencil on the back of your hand before filling in your top and bottom lip with Faceliner 10.
Finally, sharpen the Faceliner. From the corners of your eye, draw equally spaced straight lines diagonally away from your eye, the bottom one finishing along your cheekbone and the top meeting up with your graphic eyeliner. Now join the lines, together with small c-shaped vertical lines, to achieve an effective ‘spider web’ eyeliner.

Easy Halloween tutorial with a lipstick: Clown make-up
If it’s red lipstick you’ve got to hand – like our Lipstick Matt (aphrodite) – then let’s get to work! Coat your top and bottom lip in your red lipstick, and then gently smudge the lip line for a diffused impression. Now from the corner of your mouth, draw a line up and out, like an exaggerated smile, bringing the line gradually back in until it finishes in the middle of your bottom lash line. Carefully smudge the edges with a cotton bud or your little finger.Now from the top of your eyebrow, continue the path of the line by a couple of centimeters and finish it at a point. Again, smudge the edge in the same way as before. Now rub a little lipstick onto a soft brush and blend it through your socket line. This will crease and smudge. You will look creepy and cool!
Finally, draw a cute little circle on the tip of your nose with the red lipstick, and you’ve got a sinister-looking clown design.
Red lipstick is also great for creating cuts, tears, or blood scratch marks.
Let your imagination go wild!
Happy Halloween